A window on the world of big-case bankruptcy.

The Bankruptcy Research Database is updated monthly and is current through the end of December 2022.

We will no longer update the Florida-UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) after the December 2022 update.

That update will be posted in early January 2023. The Cases table is now available free. You can download it using Download cases table. That link will remain active indefinitely.

What is the BRD?

The Florida-UCLA-LoPucki Bankruptcy Research Database (BRD) is a data collection, data linking, and data dissemination project of the University of Florida Levin College of Law. The BRD's mission is to promote bankruptcy research by making bankruptcy data available to academic researchers throughout the world.

The BRD contains data on all of the more than one-thousand large public companies that have filed bankruptcy cases since October 1, 1979. We consider a company "public" if it filed an Annual Report (form 10-K or form 10) with the Securities and Exchange Commission for a year ending not less than three years prior to the filing of the bankruptcy case. We consider a company "large" if that Annual Report reported assets worth $100 million or more, measured in 1980 dollars (about $355 million in 2022 dollars). Coverage includes cases filed under Chapter 7 and Chapter 11, whether filed by the debtors or creditors. We update most of our data monthly.

The BRD Data.

The BRD consists of five sets of data:

  1. The Cases table. The Cases table consists of about 200 fields of regression-ready data on each BRD case. The Cases table can be used, alone or in conjunction with data from other sources, to predict the outcomes of cases, to evaluate bankruptcy investments, to select professionals, to predict professional fees, and to conduct virtually any kind of research on big-case bankruptcies.
  2. The WebBRD. The WebBRD consists of about 25 of the most widely used fields from the Cases table. WebBRD data can be accessed through several online tools. Run-a-Study enables users to design and run a study of any of about 20 variables. The study can be of all BRD cases or any subset of them. The Cases Spreadsheet is an interactive spreadsheet containing all of the WebBRD data. The Case Summaries show all of the data for a case on a single screen.
  3. The BRD dockets. We have collected or constructed electronic dockets for more than 900 BRD cases, including all that are available on Pacer. The Pacer Docket Search is a program that searches the approximately 2.5 million docket entries in our collection by several search methods, including word, document type, and case type.
  4. The Professional Fees study data. This dataset includes all of the data compiled by Lynn M. LoPucki and Joseph W. Doherty as part of their study of professional fees in 102 BRD cases disposed of from 1998 through 2007.
  5. BRD user data. We collect and post data on the research projects of BRD users and a list of publications based on BRD data.

The BRD has been supported by grants from these organizations:

National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges

Turnaround Management Association

American Bankruptcy Institute

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