Reddy Ice Holdings, Inc.


  • Pre-filing annual sales: $424 (millions of current dollars)
  • Pre-filing assets: $560 (millions of current dollars)
  • Pre-filing number of employees: 2,700
  • Sub-industry: 20 Food and Kindred Products
  • Place of incorporation: DE
  • Court for city of headquarters: TX Dallas
  • In business at filing? yes

Bankruptcy case

  • Chapter at filing: Chapter 11
  • Who filed case? debtors
  • Debtor's lead attorney: DLA Piper
  • Date of filing: April 12, 2012
  • Judge at filing: Stacey G.C. Jernigan
  • Court district of filing: TX ND
  • Court city of filing: Dallas
  • Case number: 12-32349
  • Cause of bankruptcy: Not tort
  • Forum shop? Filed at headquarters

  • Case transferred? no
  • Destination court of transfer: not applicable
  • Creditors committee appointed? yes
  • ยง363 sale: no 363 sale
  • Dip loan final approval? yes
  • Plan type: prenegotiated

  • Disposition status: confirmed
  • Date of disposition: May 22, 2012
  • Judge at disposition: Stacey G.C. Jernigan
  • Days from filing to disposition: 40

After the case

  • Did firm emerge? Company emerged
  • Did firm refile? emerged 5 years, did not refile

The BRD has been supported by grants from these organizations:

National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges

Turnaround Management Association

American Bankruptcy Institute

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